"A pilgrim is a wanderer with a purpose. A pilgrimage can be to a place — that's the best-known kind — but it can also be for a thing. Mine is for peace, and that is why I am a Peace Pilgrim."
— Peace Pilgrim (1908 – 1981)
The rise of divisive political figures like Donald Trump or murderous dictators like Putin compels us to engage in a critical analysis of the underlying societal forces that contribute to such phenomena. While it is easy to focus on the individual characteristics of these figures, a deeper understanding requires examining the complex interplay of institutional failings, social trends, and individual behaviours that create fertile ground for populism to flourish.
It is essential to acknowledge our collective responsibility in this process. We must analyse the role of misinformation, the erosion of trust in institutions, and the increasing polarization of our societies. Furthermore, we must recognize how our own actions, or even inactions, can contribute to these trends.
This understanding is not meant to induce despair but rather to inspire action. It is time to engage in a process of collective learning and transformation. This requires:
By acknowledging our collective responsibility and engaging in this process of change, we can work towards creating a society that is more resilient to the allure of divisive figures and fosters a more inclusive and equitable future.
"In order for the world to become peaceful, people must become more peaceful. Among mature people war would not be a problem — it would be impossible. In their immaturity people want, at the same time, peace and the things which make war. However, people can mature just as children grow up. Yes, our institutions and our leaders reflect our immaturity, but as we mature we will elect better leaders and set up better institutions. It always comes back to the thing so many of us wish to avoid: working to improve ourselves.
— Peace Pilgrim (1908 – 1981), Harmonious Principles for Human Living.
There cannot be true, lasting peace without democracy.
There cannot be true, lasting peace without social justice.
The latest electronic gadgets, fancy cars, big houses, fashionable clothes, etc., are not critical necessities.
But simple vegetables or a simple bowl of rice are essential items for life.
A world where many have much too much
while too many still struggle to survive with the barest necessities of life,
cannot achieve global peace.
Democracy and social justice are the two sides of the same coin.
"No man is an island entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were,
as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were;
any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee."
— John Donne (1571 – 1631), English poet.
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