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Democracy and social justice in the world.

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Liberia — Democracy Index (2022)
Full democracyFlawed democracyHybrid regimeAuthoritarian regime
Liberia — Press Freedom Index (2022)
GoodSatisfactoryProblematicDifficultVery Serious

Freedom House: country profile for Liberia

Liberia has enjoyed nearly two decades of peace and stability since the second civil war ended in 2003. During this time, the country has made considerable progress rebuilding government capacity, reestablishing the rule of law, and ensuring the political rights and civil liberties of citizens, and 2017 saw the first peaceful transfer of power between leaders since 1944. However, Liberia still faces serious issues with corruption, impunity, and violence against women.


Liberia, officially the Republic of Liberia, is a country on the West African coast. It is bordered by Sierra Leone to its northwest, Guinea to its north, Ivory Coast to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean to its south and southwest.

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