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8: Eighth level of democracy — We, Humans

We started with individual rights, and worked our way up for the collective good of humankind. We now reach the culmination of our exploration of what the essence of democracy is. It finds its truest expression in compassion, mutual help, solidarity and empathy for our shared humanity. Ultimately, democracy is the best social contract enabling the physical, emotional, intellectual, ethical and spiritual development of all human beings.

  8: Humanity


This is the directory of articles related to the eighth level of democracy.

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Humanity virtue

Humanity is a virtue linked with altruistic ethics derived from the human condition. It signifies human love and compassion towards each other. Humanity differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals included in humanity more so than in the fairness found in justice. That is, humanity, and the acts of love, altruism, and social intelligence are typically individual strengths while fairness is generally expanded to all. Humanity is one of six virtues that are consistent across all cultures.


Humanitarianism is an ideology centered on the value of human life, whereby humans practice benevolent treatment and provide assistance to other humans to reduce suffering and improve the conditions of humanity for moral, altruistic, and emotional reasons.

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