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Welcome to our exploration of democracy! Our website is an ever-evolving resource, a space for inquiry and shared understanding. Join the conversation and contribute to the future we all want. Explore our sections and articles here.

  Lists and topics



List of lists.

List of awards and prizes

Awards and prizes related to peace, democracy or social justice.

List of books

List of documentaries

Documentaries and podcasts related to peace, democracy or social justice.

List of indices

All kinds of rating and indices about democracy, peace, freedom, justice etc. published by a variety of organisations.

List of movies

Movies related to peace, democracy or social justice.

List of organisations

Organisation related to peace, democracy or social justice.

List of people

List of research and reports

Research for peace, democracy and social justice.

List of videos, interviews, TV events and news clips

Democracy and social justice in the world.

Although we are only getting started, we aim to progressively extend our coverage of countries around the world.


Here are the main topical entry pages.


Where we explore a full, comprehensive definition of democracy.

1: Individuals

2: Society

3: Institutions

Healthy institutions are the most critical parts to safeguard democracy.

4: Elections

5: Information

6: Living

7: International

8: Humanity

Addendum A: WIP

Addendum B: Teamwork

Addendum C: Spirit

Addendum D: Education

Addendum E: Taxes

Addendum F: Environment

Our natural environment, and its protection, is one of the major critical topics for our generation and for future generations.

Addendum G: The Web

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