For each person that shall be featured below, we include only the information that is directly relevant to the project. In particular, we shall not cover personal information, biography, controversies, etc. unless such information has particular significance for the topics we aim to cover. To the extent that a person is notable enough to have a wikipedia article, we shall link to it: interested readers shall find more information there.
Listed in alphabetical order by surname.
Alp Gar Alperovitz — Historian and political economist.
App Anne Applebaum — Journalist and historian, Applebaum wrote about the history of Communism
Bar William Barber II — American protestant minister and anti-poverty social activist.
Bec David Becker
Ben Ruth Ben-Ghiat — American historian.
Bid Joe Biden — 46th president of the United States.
Blu Richard Bluhm — Professor of macroeconomics and digital transformation
Boy Greg Boyle — Founder of Homeboy Industries
Bra Louis Brandeis
Bro Sharon Brous
Bur Ken Burns — American documentary filmmaker.
Che Erwin Chemerinsky
Coh Brian Tyler Cohen — American political commentator.
Cun Clark D. Cunningham — Georgia professor of constitutional law, law & ethics.
DiR Renée DiResta
Dil David L. Dill
Dob Rolf Dobelli
Dre Denise Dresser — Mexican writer and university professor
Duv Maurice Duverger
Eli Marc Elias
Gaw Mo Gawdat — Engineer, entrepreneur, writer and former chief business officer for Google X.
Gla Eddie Glaude
Hah Steven Hahn
Has Richard Hasen
Hoo Margaret Hoover
Hua Chi Huang (黃 紀) — Taiwanese political science professor
Kar Fatma Karume — Tanzanian lawyer and women's rights activist.
Kir Glenn Kirschner — American attorney.
Lai William Lai (Lai Ching-te 賴清德)
Les Lawrence Lessig — American lawyer and political activist.
Lin Staffan Lindberg
Lut J. Michael Luttig — American Former Federal Appeals Court Judge
Man Nelson Mandela — South African anti-apartheid activist, first president of South Africa.
McC Mary B. McCord — American lawyer and security analyst.
Moh Narges Mohammadi
Mon Montesquieu — 18th century French political philosopher
Mue Jan-Werner Müller
Muk Denis Mukwege
Pai Thomas Paine
Ras Jamie Raskin — U.S. representative for Maryland's 8th congressional district
Res Maria Ressa — Filipino journalist and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Rui Don Miguel Ruiz — Mexican author.
Sch Ernst Friedrich Schumacher
Sel Matthew Seligman
Sin Manisha Sinha
Smi Mary L. Smith
Ste Richard Stengel — American author, editor and former government official.
Tay Miles Taylor
Toc Alexis de Tocqueville
Tri Laurence Tribe — American constitutional legal scholar.
Tru Donald Trump — An existential threat to democracy
Tsa Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) — Former president of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Was Kerry Washington
Wei Andrew Weissmann — American attorney and professor
Wie Karoline Wiesner
Wil Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove — Christian writer and social activist.
Zel Volodymyr Zelenskyy — President of Ukraine.
Abr John Abrams — American entrepreneur.
All Maurice Allais — French economist.
Amb B.R. Ambedkar — Indian economist, jurist, social reformer and political leader
Bal Steve Ballmer
Bor Andy Borowitz
Cha Charlie Chaplin
Dan Jessie Daniel Ames — American suffragist and civil rights leader
Day Richard Daynard — American legal crusader for public health and safety.
Geo Henry George
Gol Dan Goldman
Gor Neil Gorsuch
Har Yuval Noah Harari
Har Kamala Harris — Vice president of the United States
Has Steven Hassan
Hon Michael Honey — American civil rights and labor historian.
Jim Jimmy Carter — What every American president should be.
Jon Jonathan Haidt
Lon Sarah Longwell
Mad Rachel Maddow
McG Payton McGriff — Founder of Style Her Empowered
Mel Ari Melber
Mus A. J. Muste — American clergyman and peace activist
Not Adav Noti
O'D Lawrence O'Donnell
Oba Barack Obama
Orw George Orwell
Par Lev Parnas
Pea Peace Pilgrim — American activist who walked across the United States for Peace.
Pen Sean Penn — American actor and social activist
Pik Thomas Piketty — French economist
Put Robert Putnam
Rei Robert Reich
Rob Apollo Robbins — An honest thief and ethical trickster.
Sch Michael Schmidt
Sco Amber Scorah
Sta Jason Stanley
Twe William M. Tweed, a.k.a. Boss Tweed
Vel Ali Velshi — Canadian television journalist.
You Malala Yousafzai