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Addendum G: The Web

  Social Media and Democracy


Social Media and Democracy: A Vision of Connection and Empowerment

Imagine a world where social media enhances, rather than hinders, democratic ideals. In this future, the digital landscape has been transformed into a space for genuine connection, informed debate, and active participation in civic life. Gone are the days of echo chambers, misinformation, and online harassment. Instead, social media platforms have become powerful tools for building a more just and enlightened society.

In this reimagined digital world:

In this vision, social media is no longer a source of fragmentation and division, but a force for positive change. It has become a critical component of a vibrant and participatory democracy, empowering citizens to connect, learn, and take action in building a better world. By prioritizing human values, ethical design, and responsible behavior, we can harness the power of social media to strengthen our democracy and create a more just and enlightened society.

Social media as a public utility

Social media as a public utility is a theory postulating that social networking sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat etc.) are essential public services that should be regulated by the government, in a manner similar to how electric and phone utilities are typically government regulated. It is based on the notion that social media platforms have monopoly power and broad social influence.

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